
The Realness IS YOUR INDEPENDENT search-engine & DIRECTORY for Owner-Operated, Tangata Whenua (Indigenous), and Artisan Businesses & Offerings.

A Realness business is:

Been in business for 18 months or more
Single establishment

kia ora

The Realness: Hustlers for a better world

Ko wai au?
who am i?

Ko Pūwheke, Ko MaungaTaniwha ngā maunga,
Ko Karikari, ko Tokerau ngā moana,
Ko Māmaru te waka,
Ko Kahutianui te tupuna,
Ko Te Parata te tangata,
Ko Te Whānau Moana me Te Rorohuri ngā hapu,
Ko Haiti-tai-marangai te marae
Ko Ngāti Kahu, Ko Te Rarawa, ko NgāPuhi ngā iwi
Ko Damaris ahau.
I’m Damaris, Founder & Head Hustler of The Realness World. As a proud grandchild of Muriwhenua and Te Tai Tokerau, and a mother, daughter, sister, partner, and friend, my work reaches across the nation. I’m committed to indigenising every space and upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and He Whakaputanga. Currently residing in Ōtaki on the whenua of the Raukawa people, I embrace this responsibility with honour. I’m grateful you’re here exploring The Realness movement. Ngā mihi xx D