Our platform provides an alternative space for marketing, fostering community and connection among owner-operated artisans and Indigenous offerings. By being part of The Realness, you not only gain visibility but also contribute to changing the world. This is where your business and values thrive together.
The Realness is all about showcasing unique, Independently Owner-Operated Businesses, Artists, Services, Organisations, and First Nations offerings that have been in operation for at least 18 months. If that sounds like you, you meet our criteria! Note: For those offering animal-based products, we ask that you partner with suppliers committed to better welfare practices
Joining The Realness is FREE and easy! Just fill in the sign up form below and we will create your profile and list you in our directory. We’re a small but passionate team—one full-time unpaid hustler, and a group of amazing helpers and volunteers—committed to making membership accessible to qualified members worldwide.
Our Tangata Whenua-First Nations badge is for those native to the land, country, or nation where they operate. There's an option in the form to include this if you choose. If you're a Tangata Whenua or First Nations member living outside your Indigenous homeland but want to highlight your whakapapa or ancestry, please share this in the "Whakaaro" section of the form. This space allows you to provide meaningful details about your heritage if you wish
Ready Spaghetti!! The Realness requires everybody who wishes to join to be able to answer YES to The Realness Declaration below. Once you click YES, you go through to the signup form, easy peasey lemon squeezy!
The business/offering/kaupapa I am joining up to The Realness has been in operation for at least 18 months and is operated by the person/people who own it. It is free from deals, partnerships and contracts that could restrict how it independently operates, and is the only one of its kind (meaning - it does not have multiple locations or shops, is not part of a chain or franchise, and the owner/s are not part of similar offerings else where).