Māreikura Rising
Tracey-Leigh Te Paa
MāREIkura Rising empowers the Divine Feminine, embodying the ancient practices and philosophies of Te Aō Māori. Using knowledges of Whakapapa, our connection to Ātua Wāhine and celebrating our Pūrakau to reclaim our space as Mana Wāhine.   This kaupapa in its essence empowers and educates Wāhine through talking truth, providing a space that is safe and sharing experiences that facilitate open and honest healing.    We celebrate the Divine Feminine that is within us all - the healer, the nurturer, the creator and manifester. And encourage ongoing rituals and practices to keep this connection strong and fluid. My mahi includes one on one private Mirimiri / Romiromi, Haputanga sessions and Taiawa ( Pelvic) Steaming. We have our community clinic based at Corban Estate Art Centre and facilitate wānanga to teach all these different healing practices.   Based in Tāmaki Makaurau we will continue to grow our movement of nurturing the seeds of our Tūpuna and their understanding and reverence to the Divine Feminine - to MāREIkura Rising. 
MāREIkura Rising has been the creation of Tracey-Leigh Te Paa and her journey over the past fifteen years stepping into her ever evolving path as a Mother, Wahine Māori and an Indigenous Healer. ‘My magic power is helping women remember who they are and the beauty of who and where they come from. I hold space that is powerful and safe, so women feel free to go to the dark and beautiful places that only they can go, spaces only they can heal – knowing I’ve got them throughout their process of healing.’