Smidge Sunscreen
Natalie Jones
Supplier or Producer
Ko Natalie tōku ingoa (Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa). Ko au te taiao ko te taiao ko au. ​​ Made with just 7 naturally-derived ingredients, Seasick Sunscreen is safe for children, use on your face and body as well as for people with sensitive skin. Our sunscreen is SPF certified and packaged in plastic free tins. Seasick Sunscreen Co exists because I believe that each and everyone of us can make changes in our daily lives, some big, others small, that all add up and will create a world where both the environment and people can thrive.⁠ So what are you waiting for? Join our eco mission and be the change you want to see in the world!
Kaitiakitanga and Mana Wāhine are two of our core values at Seasick Sunscreen Co. What this means to us is: Kaitiakitanga Ko Ranginui e tū nei, ko Papatūānuku e takato nei - protecting Mother Earth is in my DNA. The health of the environment is at the heart of EVERY decision we make. We take a holistic approach to sustainability meaning we put a great deal of thought into our packaging, where we source ingredients from and ways to minimise our carbon footprint (such as utilising as many NZ-based services as possible). Mana Wāhine My goal is to support women (especially Māori women) to access our innate intuitive female wisdom to become leaders in sustainable business. We empower wāhine Māori to learn new skills in business through our mentorship programme. He uri ahau nō Papatūānuku - as a descendant of Mother Earth my purpose in life is to protect and nourish her.